Oracle Judicial Bio Meet Precinct 5's Justice Rudy Lujan. Mammoth Judicial Bio Meet Precinct 4's Judge Lyle Riggs. Be sure to have your case number and the name on the case. Make a Payment To make your monthly payment, select the Justice Court where your fine is due. 48 …Find the location of your precinct's Justice Court. Use Court Case Search to display all cases that have been dispositioned. * When initiating a name search, the last name and first name of the. * To initiate a search, enter the Person's name or the Court-Case number. Search By Case Number: Search Court Cases By Name: Case Number. and information on other court programs such as CASA and Pre-Trial Services.Use Court Case Search to display all cases that have been dispositioned. The Superior Court handles matters including civil, criminal, mental health. To improve performance and to prevent excessive high-volume use, we have implemented randomly generated. The phone number for Bullhead City Justice Court is 92 and the fax number is 92.The Arizona Judicial Branch is pleased to offer Public Access to Court Case Information, a valuable online service providing a resource for information about court cases from 177 out of 184 courts in Arizona. The court address is 2225 Trane Road, Bullhead City AZ 86442.

( excluding City holidays) Bullhead City Justice Court is located in Mohave county in Arizona. Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85003-2103 Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. Annually, the court processes approximately 160,000 charges. The Court handles cases that range from minor traffic violations to Class 1 misdemeanors carrying a maximum penalty of six months in jail and a $2,500 fine. Arizona pushed a Kafkaesque legal theory- and would've won if Justice Amy Coney Barrett's dissent had prevailed. Justice Sonia Sotomayor writes rare death row win in 5-4 ruling.